Tuesday 16 May 2017

Recap of life (aka modules taken) in NUS (part 3)

Year 2 Sem 1

ES1541 (Ms Shantina)

Compulsory module for all Science students, especially if you're intending to go for overseas exchange (SEP etc). If you don't like writing then this mod super suck thumb, had a total of 3 essay assignments to submit + SO MANY PRESENTATIONS. Presentations weren't as formal as GEM2027 (Intro to Public Speaking) but dress decently; no flipflops, berms etc on presentation days. 

There were a couple of books to read (you CAN get by NOT reading them, just don't expect to score participation points for it unless you've got a lot of scientific general knowledge stored in your brain), I stupidly bought one of the books since the final essay we were supposed to write should be based on an issue in the book, total waste of my money because it was super tough to even pinpoint 1 scientific breakthrough from the book 😪 Ended up writing my essay on something that the book touched on (like one line LOL) and my essay was accepted. 

Some of the readings were pretty interesting, like the numbers and their applicability to safe guarding our online transactions etc. 

Definitely prepare well for your personal presentation, super important. And please don't voice out opinions for the sake of getting the class participation marks, thought-provoking questions or clearing doubts are fine, but merely repeating the content covered and disguising them as questions is just..😬annoying.

PRO-TIP: If you think your standard of english isn't that good (but not bad enough to have to take the bridging mod), take ES in Sem 2. Logic being all those with better english would have taken in Sem 1 since they don't have to take the bridging mod so if you take it in Sem 2 you'll be "fighting" with those who can't grasp English as well. 

Grade: A-

MA2311 (Leung Man Chun)

This prof was adorable. His class, not so much. It was a compulsory stats mod so...urgh. Attended all his lectures but didn't really pay attention. I was more like...everytime he started writing I'd also write down note but without understanding it. I do remember that he'd always enter the LT with a coffeebean cup in hand, like every single lecture without fail LOL. I was almost tempted to ambush him with coffeebean so that I'd pass the mod. 

Friends are everything because god knows how much I relied on my friends to help me. 

Grade: C+

PC1327 (Prof Benard Tan)

I only took this module because I heard it was "easy" and to clear my faculty requirement. Content-wise it was easy peasy (if you do the practices etc). Bell-curve though, that's the one to watch out for. I skipped most lectures because the prof was super monotonous; the notes were good enough, but I'd recommend this mod for those with musical background. Because one of the assignments (like 20%) was to create your own musical composition lasting about 30secs using one of the software the prof will teach (like basics only, or you can use whichever software you're already comfortable with). 

There was also some review of a musical performance which I cheapo went to google for the schedules of free performances and attended one of those. The mid-term tests and final paper basically tested how fast you could do the calculations. As long as you did the pyp you'll be fine. The format is exactly the same, questions only changed  a couple of numbers/notes, but overall concept was the same. Like all the qn 6 would be on a certain topic etc, you get what I mean. 

I think the musical composition and review pulled me up because my midterms was terrible (didn't fail but terrible nonetheless) and I think I did average for finals. Don't forget to attend tutorials because attendance marks 😂

Grade: B

ST2132 (???)

I thought that doing decently for ST2131 would have some sort of help...I was wrong. But okay maybe if you got like A's for it then ya. But nope, B didn't do much to help with 2132. 

The first few chapters was essentially a rehash of ST2131, the later chapters were...difficult. Don't remember anything else LOL I think I actually remember more about my non-core mods than core mods. 

Grade: C

ST2137 (Dr Lim Chingway)

Basic R, SAS and SPSS is taught. SAS and SPSS is pretty easy (SPSS is the easiest, just explore the buttons and can figure out already). Everyone did crazy well for mid-terms median was like 45/50? so be prepared. 

Lectures were pretty manageable + be familiar with the softwares, (SAS & SPSS) can get it from seniors (if you know who to ask) and install it on your com so you won't have to keep going to the lab to do your work. R is free so just download and use. It'll be good to be build a good R foundation as it is super helpful for other 3000 stats mods. 

Grade: B-

Clearly I can recall info from non-core mods better since I didn't really enjoy doing stats. I'm sorry if you came here for legit module reviews on stats mods LOL but judging from my results can tell that I'm not gonna give proper reviews about stats mods lah. 

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