Monday 1 May 2017

Recap of life (aka modules taken) in NUS (part 1)

Initially I wanted to do all the module reviews in one sitting, but I discovered that I'm actually a slow typer/very naggy/add in alot of 有的没的 so bo pian must split into a few parts.😅

As a former NUS kid, I've relied heavily on module reviews online to plan my modules. However, I've come to realise that the kind people who post their module reviews are FREAKING GENIUSES. 😱

Their scores are always A-/A/A* or god forbid B+, which is jolly well for them but as someone who prefers a more laid back lifestyle (ie; I hardly study/study last minute) THEIR MODULE REVIEWS DON'T DO SHIT FOR ME since I can never attain (have never attained anything higher than a B for core mods. Fml).

So, this recap is for all you other non-geniuses like me. 

Since I'm already graduating (WEW commencement this JULY), IDGAF if yall bo liao enough to calculate my CAP (it ain't pretty) or think I'm dumb 💔

I was from NUS Faculty of Science (Statistics). I did a 3 yr course (no honours) so the major modules probably not very helpful for non-stats kiddos. Will try to put the prof/person teaching the mod if I can remember their names. 
***I took some of these mods 2 yrs ago so my info may not be that accurate/might have forgotten some info.

Year 1 Sem 1

I took freaking 4 cores + 1 fac req ON SENIORS RECOMMENDATION. FML. This was the year that NUS introduced free SU for the 1st semester. 10/10 would NOT recommend unless you're incredibly smart/have great time management skills/have no social life/don't plan to sleep. Granted maybe my seniors all thought I was as capable as them, but no. And I SU-ed EVERYTHING, but I woyldn't recommend that especially if you intend to pursue a scholarship/aiming to be on the Dean's List.

CS1010S (Prof. Ben Leong)

OH MY GOODNESS. Can I just say I DID NOT know what I was getting myself into. Basic Python skills are taught but seriously, you have to devote time (and effort) into understanding + doing all the tutorials, recitation, missions, extra activities (if you wanna be CS god). 

For me I literally slacked my way through this course; didn't pay attention during lectures, hardly did recitation work, did tutorials the night before (with LOADS of help from friends) that kind of thing. I think I learnt the SUPER hard way that this module required me to be disciplined + seek clarification early. 

I cannot remember much about the kind of mid-terms that was set but I had to take the re-midterm because I failed the midterm very badly. I only can recall that I was struggling to even understand while and for loops FML. And that I had a super patient tutor (Vietnamese I think) that agreed to super last minute 1 on 1 consults. Forever super grateful for his help, otherwise sure cannot pass CS. 

I did fairly well for the practical (If I recall correctly it was 3(?)qns, managed the 1st one + the OOP one. Couldn't even begin the excel qn but I was only aiming to pass so 💁). Then came the final which I just tried my best and prayed I'd pass so wouldn't have to retake. LOL.

But in all seriousness, if you're planning to take this mod you should ensure that you will set aside time to do all the practices (miscellaneous activities/extra practices). I found out (all too late) that they were super useful 😪

Prof Ben Leong was a very interesting lecture (add him of FB after finals, I find that he posts pretty interesting articles). And I think I will always slightly regret that I did not put in much effort for this mod as I could and should have because I think I'd have scored reasonably well (B and above) if I did.

Grade: C+ 

LSM 1302 (Dr. Leslie Gapter) 

Had no alternative but to take this mod because I took H2 Bio in JC so couldn't take General Bio. I took it thinking the mod would be a piece of cake since I already had a bio background. 

I could not be more wrong. First, my bio background was not THAT strong (but I hao lian lah) only B for A level H2 Bio. That together with 8-9 months of not touching Bio during the super long break, my bio knowledge shrunk to like 0.05% of what I learnt in H2. 

The module was essentially H2 Bio + a bit more but I SLACKED SO MUCH. Ponned lectures like crazy + my project was only a B/B+(?) can't really remember. The finals was MCQ (60 qns I think) but I studied super last minute because I geh kiang, thought that I could still remember all my H2 stuff 😭

Grade: B-

MA 1102 R (Prof? Goh Say Song)

I remember this prof because he was very cute (in the adorable old man way lah 😒), he always greeted us before he started his class like the primary school way so it was very amusing in a LT setting. 

Anyway this module was not particularly tough, as long as you put in effort (which I did not) you should be able to score decently. The many theorems may be overwhelming at first but I think the finals hardly touched on them? Once again I was just aiming to pass this module. 

Oh, there was "lab" sessions....COMPUTER LAB sessions. So diligently attend those (had attendance marks I think) and learn your MAPLE software. Pretty easy to use and the Lab test was easy enough (Check answers with your friends, confirm can score full marks). Lab test was OTOT anyway, just submit answers online upon completion of the worksheet.

Scored close to full marks for all the assignments (referred ALOT to the notes) but didn't study much for finals. Abit sian now that I'm reflecting on my lack of effort.

Grade: C+

ST1131 (Prof Gan Fah Fatt)

This module is easily the easiest I've ever taken BUT THE BELL CURVE FOR THIS IS SO DAMN STEEP. It is a legitimate recap of H2 Mathematics (the statistics part) with a few simple things being added. 


So if your statistics background isn't strong you've really got to pull your statistic socks up. I ponned lectures towards the end and I think I hardly attended tutorials. And I didn't know GFF's personality, super jian one, must attend lectures + tutorials then you'll have some idea of what will be tested. 

Grade: B-

MA1101R (Prof Victor Tan)

First, before I even share my thoughts, I FAILED THIS FREAKING MODULE. Who the heck fails a level 1000 mod??? ME. 

Okay, I literally put in ZERO effort when I took this module. It was legit NO EFFORT in this module at all. The clicker class participation thing? I relied 100% on my partner (FHL). Assignments? Asked for help from friends. Midterms? Failed terribly, I might have been the lowest in the cohort if I remember correctly since VT showed some graph thing that displayed the scores for midterm + the numbers for mean, median, lowest, highest. 

AND I STILL NOT SCARED SIA. I have no idea why, maybe because I heard from seniors that it was close to impossible to fail a module. Yeah, super 活该 that I failed. I think I only began panicking when I was making the cheatsheet for this mod. It was like knowing you'll sure fail but must still make cheatsheet. The feeling was horrible. 

I retook this module in the following semester under a different prof.

Grade: F


  1. HEYYYY is it possible to drop you an email? Cant seem to find your email address

  2. Hi, just curious, any idea what score you got for MA1101R that caused an F? :/

    1. Whoops, I hardly ever checked this platform and I think my reply might be way overdue...but it was probably the combined lack of effort and focus to actually study.
