Monday 30 November 2020

The almost Catfish [TINDER]

Kindly refer to the previous post before continuing. 

So I actually wanted to add in the time I was almost catfished when I was typing out the last few paragraphs of the previous post but really I lacked the stamina to continue my stories. Plus, I think I was starting to get somewhat incoherent. Although I'm not sure if catfish is truly the right word for it. Because...the guy just looked really really really REALLY different from his profile photos. 


Story time (before I delve into the various characters I actually met)

This happened in the wee days of swiping and so I didn't know any better. Although frankly speaking, I kinda sorta had the feeling that the fella might've been a fake profile simply because I refuse to believe such good-looking guys exist (not on the app anyway)

His name was simply "J". Thinking back, this was clearly a red flag. Alarm bells should've gone off at this point but no, I was too taken by the photos. According to a close friend who has seen all my matches, I have a type. And this person's photos matched that type to a T. Tall, well-built, looked like a cross between 修杰楷 and Jay Park. Was there anything to not like (based on photos I mean)

Clearly not. 

I swiped right. 

Obviously, based on this story, we matched. And, subsequently moved the conversation to Telegram. Nothing funky about that. However, I did notice that J had a tendency to steer the conversation towards the raunchier side and was always asking about the outcome of my earlier dates. (eg; How the date went, How far did we get etc.) And whilst there wasn't anything intrinsically wrong with that, something just 

Nevertheless, I trudged on. Because woe betide me if I let such a looker slip through. Canno對不起自己! Eventually we set up a meeting and... A day or so before we were scheduled to meet, something in my gut kept nagging at me. I had to take action. 

I asked him to send a video message over Telegram. 

Now, there's really only a couple of ways this could've gone. 

1. He looked exactly like his photos and I'll be this giddy little girl thanking all the different gods for blessing me with such a catch. 

2. He'll send a dick vid...which would've been nasty. But I guess I could've judged his pecker before deciding if I was still interested in meeting up. 

3. He looked nothing like his photos and my gut was right.

The outcome was #big surprise there (I'm being sarcastic).

Truly the most fantastical part of that entire incident was that J was still so willing and almost confident to send a video message over. Like how? I really don't understand how or where he got the confidence to essentially send me evidence that he indeed looked nothing like his photos. 

The video he sent over wasn't too bad in all honesty. He looked...alright, but just not what I had thought I was working with. It was the fact that he appeared almost cocky and smirking in the video that just completely threw me off. That, and that the face shape was way off. 

If I could, I would post pictures here. But I'm not trying to court trouble so...I'll have to do my best with my descriptors. 

It was like he used MTXX and changed his entire jawline. What looked like a nice masculine jawline in the photos became...non-existent. AND THE NOSE. It was basically like the face belonged to someone else. 

In hindsight, I now wished I asked for pictures of his body just to see exactly how different he'd turn out to be. 

Instead, after receiving his video message.

I replied "LOL, no." 

Blocked him on Telegram and promptly unmatched him on Tinder. 

Of course I also took screenshots of his profile photos and screen recorded the video message to circulate to my close friends.

Truly interesting times on Tinder.

Also I learnt my lesson and now straight up ask guys if they look like their actual photos before arranging a meet up. 

Plus this incident always makes for a good story with other first dates. 

So, thanks J! 

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