Tuesday 20 February 2018

Quick Update

So I've finally remembered about this ol' blog of mine and since my body clock is feeling wonky I guess I'll post something. I actually wanted to continue posting my NUS module recaps but I think I cannot for the life of me remember what I've learned maybe can only give useless remarks for stats mods. Except for my language mods because BLESS knowing basic Thai and French have semi-saved me during work/when overseas.

Everything job-wise has been pretty smooth thus far /omg what if I'm jinxing it/ the same can't be said for matters at home though :(

Work has taken me to many places; some I've visited prior to joining the company, others brand new. I've also learnt a great deal about being comfortable with being alone (especially when I'm not in SG and I wanna head out to explore).

That being said, I was kinda bummed when I saw my schedule for Feb cos I would be away for CNY it might be the mothers' last CNY  . I thought it'd be okay to just continue the celebrations after I get back from the trip but... :( It seems like everyone has moved on already? It's all "been there done that" for almost everyone around me and I'm the only one still stuck in the CNY festive mood (cos I totally missed out on the dong dong qiang and CNY songs LOL)

Oh wellz. In other news the bf and I recently applied for BTO so we're keeping our fingers crossed that we get it!

I've also been toying around with the idea that I should begin documenting my travels/food since I'm overseas all the time? This way can trial and error + share with whoever managed to stumble upon this platform of mine. ya i think it's a good idea okay I'll start with my next trip.

stay tuned